Learn answers to frequently asked questions about the pre-planning,
design & installation process for memorials and monuments.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The length of time needed after a death varies from family to family so there is no set time. Ordering a memorial for a loved one is a process and once placed, will remain there forever. Sometimes it is best to take your time and think about what you would like.

  • The cost varies depending on the size, color, and shape of the memorial. We work with our families offering interest free in house financing on a case-by-case basis. One of our company philosophies is, “You should never have to go into debt to be able to afford a memorial for a loved one”. We love working with families and bringing closure to loved ones who have passed on.

  • We highly recommend Pre-need memorial stones. Designing and purchasing a memorial in advance makes the process easier and more enjoyable when you can personally create how people will remember you. After a death in the family, emotions can run high. A Pre-need memorial relieves loved ones of additional stress during the grieving process.

  • Every cemetery has a different set regulations. Some cemeteries limit memorials to flat stones while others have height restrictions. We are happy to assist you in our office by looking up a cemetery’s regulations and, you can ask the cemetery what the regulations in your section are.

  • From the design phase through the placement in the cemetery of the finished memorial, families can expect a time frame of 3 months, with the exception to special stone designs and some colors which can take up to 6 months to get.

  • Boise Valley Monument Company employs a highly experienced crew of setters for all installations.

  • We highly recommend granite. There are dozens of colors to choose from and granite is one of the most durable stones. Granite memorials last decades.

  • Item deMarble is a much softer material than granite. Our recommendation is for memorials made from granite for its choice of colors, hardness & durability.scription

  • We have three different applications. The most popular and inexpensive is sandblasting. We also offer laser etching & diamond etching.

  • Yes! We believe every stone should be just as unique as the individual that it represents. We are proud of our ability to accommodate and create custom artwork. We have talented artists & graphic designers on staff to create beautiful custom designs.

  • With laser etching, a photo is scanned and etched into the stone. Diamond etching is done 100% free hand by one of our talented artist.

  • We’ve been in business since 1963 and we can offer competitive prices since we don’t pay commissions. We also specialize in custom design work and have a vast array of design choices.

  • From the quality of the stone, to the design work … every step of the way to installation, we stand behind our work 100%.